Core API Reference


This function creates an attribute definition that can be subsequently referenced in multiple entities' definitions.

By an attribute definition, we simply mean an object with specific properties. The function itself serves primarily as a type safety helper and doesn't perform any underlying logic.



Use the createAttribute function to create an attribute definition.

import { createAttribute } from "@coltorapps/builder";

export const labelAttribute = createAttribute({
  name: "label",
  validate(value, context) {
    if (typeof value !== "string") {
      throw new Error("Must be a string");

    return value;


createAttribute accepts a single parameter, which should be an object containing the following properties:

namestringThe attribute's name.
validatefunctionA validation function for checking attribute values during schema validation. It can be asynchronous, and any exceptions it raises will be automatically caught and stored in the builder store, or returned back to you when validating the schema inline. The method receives two arguments: the attribute's value and the context object.


The createAttribute function essentially forwards the provided options parameter as the returned object and doesn't perform any underlying logic..

namestringThe attribute's name.
validatefunctionA validation function for checking attribute values during schema validation.

Usually, you will not need to manually access these properties; instead, the created attribute definition object is typically passed directly to an entity definition.


The context object is passed as an argument to the validate method within the createAttribute function, and it contains the following properties:

schemaobjectThe current generic schema, including all generic entities instances, against which the attribute is validated.
entityobjectThe generic entity instance that owns the attribute.
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