React API Reference


This React component is used to render the entities tree within the context of an interpreter store.


<Interpreter interpreterStore components children? />

Use the Interpreter component to render the entities tree.

import { Interpreter, useInterpreterStore } from "@coltorapps/builder-react";

import { formBuilder } from "./form-builder";
import { TextFieldEntity } from "./text-field-entity";

const formSchema = {
  entities: {
    "51324b32-adc3-4d17-a90e-66b5453935bd": {
      type: "textField",
      attributes: {
        label: "First name",
  root: ["51324b32-adc3-4d17-a90e-66b5453935bd"],

export function App() {
  const interpreterStore = useInterpreterStore(formBuilder);

  return (
      components={{ textField: TextFieldEntity }}

In the example above, we've hardcoded the schema, but typically, you would retrieve it from a database, for instance.


The Interpreter component accepts three props:

interpreterStoreobjectThe interpreter store.
componentsobjectAn object mapping of entities components for each defined entity type in the builder.
childrenfunction optionalA function intended to wrap each rendered arbitrary entity with additional rendering. It receives both the rendered entity and the entity instance object.


The Interpreter component essentially renders an entities tree.

Render prop

The children prop of the Interpreter component must be a function, which is used to wrap each rendered arbitrary entity with additional rendering.

import { Interpreter, useInterpreterStore } from "@coltorapps/builder-react";

import { formBuilder } from "./form-builder";
import { TextFieldEntity } from "./text-field-entity";

const formSchema = {
  entities: {
    "51324b32-adc3-4d17-a90e-66b5453935bd": {
      type: "textField",
      attributes: {
        label: "First name",
  root: ["51324b32-adc3-4d17-a90e-66b5453935bd"],

export function App() {
  const interpreterStore = useInterpreterStore(formBuilder);

  return (
      components={{ textField: TextFieldEntity }}
      {(props) => (
          {/* This is the rendered entity. */}

In the example above, we've hardcoded the schema, but typically, you would retrieve it from a database, for instance.
